Sunday, October 6, 2013

Archives: available upon request. Haiku: the abundance of ... - Nilknarf

Archives: available upon request.


the abundance of

mediocrity hurts me…

world, please get smarter


Another nice and unexpected day….

Me in Rocefeller center

Me in Rocefeller center

Jean with her new bag...

Jean with her new bag…

Jean in Rockefeller sq

Jean in Rockefeller sq

We were planning to go to the Met, but there was no subway service there for some reason or another… So we decided to go to the American Museum of Natural History… And we really couldn’t get there from here either, heh.

Once again, a friendly cop sent us off on a wild goose chase… Probably not on purpose, I hope.

So, we wound up at Rockefeller center, and we decided that we would we joy that until we got tired of it and then we would enjoy walking back to the hotel

And we had a great time people-watching (and avoiding) and I fended off some street vendors/beggars with some ever of aplomb for a Kansas kid, heh,

One of them, after I’d rejected him, turned to Jean wanting money and she said, “he’s the boss” and he yelled at me, where did you find this fine woman?

When we decided to go back to the hotel, we thought that walking would be the most fun… I hate the painful part of walking, but love the walking part… My program on the android said it should take us 21 minutes and iT took us an hour… About what I figgered.

we relaxed a bit at the hotel and then went for dinner at Tir Na Nog just down the street… I had a shrimp Risotto and Jean had the shepards’ pie… And then I had the Creme brûlée and Jean had chocolate Cake… Everything was wonderful indeed.

and I’m about as worn out as i could possibly get, and bed will come soon tonight….

wow, i hate editing on the iPad… And my keyboard ran out of batteries so I have to use the native virtual keyboard… Pretty much sucks.


“The heat death of the earth” will only be the heat death of the human race, the cause of the disease. Kinda like getting a fever to fight off an infection… and we’re the infection, heh.” – me, 20130831

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(C) 1960-2013 Doug Franklin (

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