Saturday, October 5, 2013 - The Simplest (?) Method of Organizing Your Bookmarks ...

Savedio_iconIf you only use one web browser on one computer, you probably want to skip this article. However, if you have a desktop and a laptop and a computer at the office and an iPad and a... Well, you get the idea. If you use more more than one computer to access web sites, you might find this article worthwhile.

I have always had problems with organizing web browser bookmarks and making all of them available in all web browsers on all my computers. I own two desktop computers and a Mac laptop, a Windows laptop, and a Chromebook laptop, and an iPad, and a "smartphone." Yes, I own too many computers! Most of them also have multiple web browsers installed. Depending on the operating system used, any one computer might have Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or Internet Explorer installed. How do I keep my bookmarks available in all browsers on all computers?

Actually, a quick search online will find dozens of utility programs to organize bookmarks. Some of them will even copy bookmarks between different web browsers, sometimes even those on different computers. Many of these bookmark managers are available free of charge. While some of them have lots of sophisticated "bells and whistles," I never found one that I really liked. Until now...

Anthony Feint had a situation similar to mine: different devices and different browsers - Safari on iOS and Firefox and Chrome on OS X and Windows. He never seemed to have the right bookmarks at the moment he wanted them so he invented and then made it available to everyone, free of charge. works on Windows, Macintosh, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Linux, UNIX, Chrome operating system, and probably a few other operating systems as well. The account is free. There is no "pro version" or any other form of upgrade, it will always be free. Anthony Feint does accept donations, however.

To use, first go to and create a new account. You need to create a user name and password. You are not asked for an address, credit card number, or anything else. In fact, you are not even asked for your name.

Once registered, you can save a web page's URL (address) at any time by going to the web page in your usual web browser and displaying the page on your computer screen. Enter "" (with the slash bar but without the quote marks) in front of the URL of the site's address as displayed in your web browser. Hit enter and you'll be redirected to where you can see the saved link. That's it!

The "slash bar"is important. Always insert "" (without the quote marks) in front of the URL you wish to add to your saved bookmarks.

You also can create lists of bookmarks easily by the name of the list in front of the "" address. For instance, if you want to add a bookmark to your list of online books, go to the page you wish to add to the list, and enter "" (without the quote marks) in front of the URL of the site's address as displayed in your web browser. Hit enter and you'll be redirected to where you can see the saved link listed in the "books" list.

Want to add a web site to your list of genealogy web sites? Enter "" in front of the URL of the site's address as displayed in your web browser and then press enter. You can create as many lists as you wish.

If you use more than one web browser or more than one computer, you will have to log onto once on each system. The web site sets a cookie in your browser so that it is automatically recognized in the future and also will save your bookmarks to the correct account on

Your bookmarks are private, not visible to anyone else. is designed to work without needing to install any add-ons. However, there is an optional extension for the Chrome web browser. You can visit the Chrome Web Store to download the free extension. This will add a small icon next to your address bar which will save bookmarks with one click.

If you want a sophisticated bookmark management program with all sorts of features, is not for you. However, if you are looking for something that is super simple and "just works," I suspect you will like Try it.


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