Friday, March 1, 2013

Tips On How To Keep Playing Real Racing 3 For Free - AppleNApps

Real Racing 3 launched yesterday for free, and if you still haven’t picked it up, it’s one title to definitely experience with no barrier to entry. There’s a freemium style once you get in, and the game features repairs, maintenance, unlockable cars, timers, and IAP all designed to get you to spend money. The entire experience of Real Racing 3 is dependent upon how you start out, so we wanted to provide you some tips on how to play Real Racing 3 for free for as long as possible. If you start out just right, you won’t encounter the potentially restrictive, and frustrating timers, and need for IAP.

Start with the Ford Focus

At the very beginning of the game, you can afford two cars, and it’s best to go with the $33,000 Ford Focus as compared to the cheaper $28,800 Nissan Silva. The Ford Focus offers much better bang for your initial buck, as it can keep you at the front for most of the first 10 or so events. The Nissan on the other hand is going to require upgrades to stay competitive, and you don’t want to spend your money on upgrades (though you may need one engine upgrade to the Ford Focus once you reach the first drag race event).

Stay away from upgrades

The upgrades are definitely enticing, but you need to try to stay away from them for as long as possible. You want to save up your bucks with each race you win, and not spend them on upgrades. This ties back into the first point as the Ford Focus can go a lot longer without upgrades than the Nissan Silva.

Get a second car ASAP

A second car is imperative in Real Racing 3 if you want to avoid the timers. If you have just one car, the maintenance timers can really drag down the whole experience. If you have a second car, then you can race with one, while the other is being serviced, and keep flipping between the two. You want to stay away from upgrades to get a second set of wheels as quickly as possible. Once you get the second car, it’s then time to aim for a third car, as new cars also open up new events. If you have more than one car in your garage, you can keep switching between them not only to alternate the service schedule, but also provide fresh events to race in.

Make sure your Game Center friends are playing

The Time Shifted multiplayer is incorporated into every single race, and you need to use that to your advantage. If your Game Center friends are racing, they will fill up the track for your opponents to race against. This comes into play, because beating your friends earns you bonus bucks. The Time Shifted multiplayer not only gives you incentive to replay races for the fun of beating your friends, but it also helps you build up your pile of bucks for your next car.

Use assisted braking and steering at the outset

You can change these settings later on, but for the first few races, you want to use assisted breaking, and steering. The main reason is that the assisting features keep your car on the road, and away from opponents more often. That means less repairs and service are needed so you don’t need to waste money on those. Once you get a second car, you can turn off those options, and start slamming into other cars, but use the help that’s there before that point.

Play at your own pace

The most important thing is to relax, and have fun. Real Racing 3 is a game to be savored rather than blast through. If you play casually with a few races here, and there, then you will probably rarely run into any timers or in-app purchases. If you try to play through 20 races in one sitting, then you might be frustrated on some of the restrictions. If you play the game like you normally play others, then most likely you won’t be inhibited by any of the freemium mechanics.


The developers, Firemonkeys, have done a good job in designing the freemium model to feel relatively optional, and allowing everyone to at least try the latest benchmark game for iOS. The path you choose at the beginning can change your entire opinion of the game, so we wanted to give you some advice. If you use the tips above, then you will get a whole lot of enjoyment out of Real Racing 3, completely for free.


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