Sunday, March 3, 2013

Review: Swizzle sweeps out your inbox | Minigizmo


Sometimes, I feel like I am drowning in all those emails in my inbox. Between all the marketing messages and ads, plus the newsletters I’ve subscribed to, finding messages that I want, those that are timely and important, is harder than ever. That’s where Swizzle promises to help: this free service sweeps your inbox, cleaning out the clutter.

When you sign up for Swizzle, you simply enter your email address and grant it access to your account. (Right now, Swizzle supports AOL Mail, Gmail, Google Apps,, and Yahoo Mail only.) It then analyzes your inbox, looking for bulk messages. Swizzle works quickly—within a matter of minutes, it had scanned my Gmail account, which holds more than 14,000 messages—and then presents you with a list of emails that may be cluttering up your inbox. Swizzle isn’t perfect, as it did mistake a few people for bulk message senders, including one friend who had recently sent me an Evite, but overall it was quite accurate at identifying bulk messages.

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