Thursday, February 28, 2013

Data Suggests iPad Mini Sales Outpacing Larger iPad

Apple iPad Mini VS iPad Stacked 640x426 Data Suggests iPad Mini Sales Outpacing Larger iPad

Apple’s iPad mini overtaking the iPad was inevitable. We just didn’t think it would happen so soon. In a new report released by NPD DisplaySearch, data suggests shipments of tablet panels between 7 and 9 inches far outpaces larger variants, showing that, yes, people do like the smaller form factor. That, or the fact that the iPad mini is much cheaper than the $499 iPad. Or both.

During a period between December and January, shipments of 9.7-inch panels fell from 7.4 million to 1.3 million, while panels for the mini ballooned above 5 million. Likewise, panels for devices like the Kindle Fire and Google Nexus rose over the same period.

What might seem like a negative outcome is actually not so bad. Apple CEO Tim Cook admitted cannibalization is a huge opportunity. “We never fear it because if we do, someone else will do it.” And it’s not like the bigger iPad isn’t still selling. NPD estimates the company will sell around up to 33 million iPads throughout the year.

With a reported redesign on the way for the larger iPad, Apple may just achieve that number, even despite a supposed iPad mini upgrade incoming.

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