Tuesday, February 26, 2013

4aGoodCause Blog: Thinking out of the texting box: 3 additional ...

Text messages are a great way to reach your audience. Have you tried any text campaigns lately? If you have a few under your belt, you may be interested in additional ways you can reach out to your audience by way of their mobile devices.

Mobile marketing is taking text messaging and phone calls to a whole new level; today’s smartphones go far beyond text and voice features. And as such, it’s important to have a well-rounded mobile marketing strategy in addition to your SMS campaigns.

Pew Internet & American Life Project report predicts that 2013 is the year smartphones outperform PCs as the number one way people access the internet. This means, anything your organization is doing online should be optimized for mobile users. Here are three additional mobile strategies to compliment your SMS tactics:

Mobile Website: For starters, you need a mobile website. Even better? Make that website responsive. If more web traffic is coming from smartphones than from desktop computers, you do not want to have a site that is unusable for anyone trying to reach you from a mobile device (or their tablet, iPad, etc.). Chances are, people are trying to access your website from a smartphone; your site needs to be optimized for the screen they’re viewing you on.

Integrate social media with your mobile plan: Smartphone users are accessing their social media platforms on the go. When creating your social media strategy, keep mobile users in mind. These users are looking for information in real time. Your social media works better with mobile if you are prepared to respond quickly to questions and comments. Post information that is useful to your clients in real time: directions to your event, updates as a speaker is presenting, calls for donations, etc.

Mobile outreach: When a potential client or customer is searching for your business from a smartphone, they are more likely to be in need of your services in real time. Think of your favorite store’s mobile app—allowing users to locate stores, see sales, create lists, check if products are in stock from anywhere. When your members or donors are in or near your organization, you can reach them with relevant information to help keep them even more connected to your good cause.

Mobile marketing is not just push marketing or broadcasting SMS. Reaching out to your members or donors on their phones is a great way to reach people quickly, but you also need to think of those who are trying to reach you from their phones. Make that experience easy so they are thinking about your good cause and not struggling with the user interface or to find relevance in your content.



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